Friday, June 22, 2007

Every so often I come across a real gem.  I made a note to pass this one along awhile ago, so here goes:

Back in 2002 Harry V. Jaffa and Thomas J. DiLorenzo squared off at the Independent Institute Conference Center in Oakland, California for a public debate, appropriately titled, "The Real Abraham Lincoln."  Here was the original announcement:

Many Americans consider Abraham Lincoln to be the greatest president in history. His legend as the Great Emancipator has grown to mythic proportions as hundreds of books and a monument in Washington, D.C., extol his heroism and martyrdom. Is Lincoln’s reputation deserved? Lincoln defender Harry V. Jaffa (author of the new book, A New Birth of Freedom) will argue that Lincoln was a model statesman who stuck by high-minded principles as he fought to promote liberty. Lincoln critic Thomas DiLorenzo (author of the new book, The Real Lincoln) will argue that Lincoln was a calculating politician who waged the bloodiest war in American history not to free the slaves, but in order to build an empire that rivaled Great Britain’s. Was Lincoln a great hero or a villain? Did he honor the promise of America—or betray it?

I recently found the debate transcript and audio online!  Get a cup of coffee and plant yourself in front of your computer for this is a real treat.

CLICK HERE to read the transcript

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Special thanks to the Independent Institute for making the debate possible and for making the experience available online!

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